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Posts Tagged ‘Logic Puzzles’

Milk Puzzle

Mary was cooking a dish and as per her recipe she needed one cup of milk. However, she only had a three cup measuring container and a five cup measuring container. How will she measure just one cup?

(Approximations are not allowed)

Answer on Friday.

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Juicy Puzzle

There are 21 juice bottles out of which 7 bottles are full, 7 are half-full and the remaining 7 are empty to be divided amongst 3 friends equally. You don’t have any measuring device. How will you divide them (both bottles and juice) equally?

Answer on Monday.

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What Comes Next?

5   25   29   85   89   ?

Answer on Monday.

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Caging The Birds

The following picture shows a cage with 6 separate rooms made up of 13 sticks for 6 birds to stay.

Make a new cage with 6 separate rooms for the birds using 12 sticks.

Answer on Monday.

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Find the Number of Students

In a class there are 60 students who belong to Nightingale, Peacock and Parrot house. There are four times as many students in Parrot house as Nightingale house; and six more in Peacock house than Nightingale house. How many students are in each house?

Answer on Monday.

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Find the Missing Number

Answer on Friday

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Who Broke The Pot?

Three friends Jim, Sam and Tom were playing in the garden and one of them broke a pot. While enquiring about it the three friends answered as follows:

Jim: I haven’t broken the pot.

Sam: I haven’t broken the pot.

Tom: Sam has broken the pot.

If only one of them is speaking the truth, then who broke the pot?

Answer on Monday.

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Sitting Arrangement

Eight friends – Nancy, Harris, Jim, Feona, Daniel, Tony, Mary and Susan are sitting around a circular table. Susan is sitting just beside Mary. Tony is sitting 3rd to the left of Susan and also 3rd to the right of Feona who is 2nd to the left of Harris. Jim is 2nd to the right of Nancy who is opposite to Tony. Who is sitting immediate to the left of Mary?

Answer on Friday.

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Number Games

Fill in the boxes with numbers from 1-10. One number can be used only once.

Answer on Friday.

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Commute To School

Mrs. Benette was a school teacher who noticed that she took the same time to go to school in the morning as she took on her return journey from school back home, in the evening. One day she happened to discover something.

When she left home, the hour hand and the minute hand were cast exactly opposite each other and on reaching school she found them to be together.

Similarly, when she quit school in the evening, the hour hand and the minute hand were together and the moment she arrived home, they were exactly opposite each other.

How much time did Mrs. Benette spend traveling? Give the minimal possible answer.

Answer on Monday.

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