IQ Articles > IQ & EQ


"Ancient Egyptians believed the heart was the center of intelligence and emotion. They also thought so little of the brain that during mummification, they removed the brain entirely from bodies." - Unknown

Did you read the above properly? Isn't funny? Well to begin with, EQ is nothing but a measure of your emotional intelligence and it can be broken down into the following five components - self-awareness; self-regulation; empathy; motivation and social skills. The ability to solve the problems in our lives is all dependent on our emotional Intelligence. EQ came into existence and recognition only since the past 10 years. In the the past decade the construct of emotional intelligence has captured the public imagination. We also need to understand that EQ is not the opposite of IQ. IQ is a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test. EQ shapes our interaction with others and our understanding of ourselves. So did you see the vast difference between IQ and EQ?

I will now talk about the five 'domains' on which EQ is heavily depended which I mentioned in before.

Self-awareness is a major component determining one's EQ because it only by understands our feelings, motivations and triggers that we are able to regulate our own behavior and decide the best course of action in any given situation. While self-awareness means you know your emotions, self-regulation means you are able to master them. Self regulation involves self control, managing negative impulses. There are few useful self regulation methods like going for a short walk, looking at a situation in a more positive way and meditation would be few simple ways to boost your self control.

Another component determining EQ is empathy, which is the capability to share and understand another's emotion and feelings. If we say that someone cannot relate to other people , it simply means that the person has never been in such condition and has never experienced such feelings, hence difficult for him to show empathy towards the person who has actually gone through those experiences and feelings.

Next is the million dollar word - 'Motivation'! Well motivation is something we need all our lives no matter how old we get. It is the main ingredient for any success we oath to achieve. EQ is correlated to motivation. It is not necessary that a person having high EQ will get motivated faster than a person having low EQ. In fact what can be said is that a person having high EQ might get motivated by a number of things than the person having low EQ.

Well now let me quickly bring into light our next and last EQ component -Social skills. It can be defined as the set of skills people use to interact and communicate with one another. If you go for an interview what will matter more than IQ is your EQ. Developing good social skills is tantamount to success in personal and professional life. Displaying poor social skills is likely to get one rejected by others. So in order to build a good rapport among the people whom you care to think about then mind your social skills.

So now I hope you'll have got a clear idea about EQ. EQ is I would say one step ahead of IQ for IQ will make you pass school but EQ will make you pass the exam of life! Look at the quote it says exactly what I mean.

"All learning has an emotional base." - Plato

Researchers have found that even more than IQ, your emotional awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life, including family relationships. IQ tests are becoming such a trend in today's world so I am sure after reading this article you'll must be wanting to try your hand in testing your emotional intelligence (EQ) which after all is so essential ingredient in cooking success. Right?

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