IQ Test

1 Complete the series: 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, ?

2 Sky is to Winds as Ocean is to:

3 16 hrs later would be noon in Moscow which is 4 hours ahead of where we are right now. What is the current time where we are right now?

Which of the below is next in the above series?


Can the shape on the left, when folded, make the object on the right?

Which of the below completes the above series?

7 Which set of letters, when unscrambled form the name of a city?

8 Which set of letters, when unscrambled form a type of vehicle?

9 How many triangles are there in the below diagram?

10 A circle is drawn inside a square such that it just touches all the 4 sides of the square. Which has the larger perimeter?

11 Book is to Library as Painting is to:

12 An athletics championship was held between the UK and US. The athletes which participated were as follows:

  • The UK sent 40 female athletes
  • The US sent 20 male athletes
  • Had the US sent 10 more female athletes, there would have been a total of 150 athletes (male & female from both countries)
  • The UK male squad had 25 athletes more than their US counterpart.

How many US female athletes were there at the championships?

13 In a row of 20 students, if every alternate student, beginning from the first, is removed, how many students would eventually remain?


15 Complete the series: 2.33, 2.22, 2.11, ?


17 Complete the series: 2, 3, 5, 7, ?

18 Shot is to Host as Spot is to:

19 Thermal is to Heat as Hydro is to:

20 A train, 100m long, is about to enter a tunnel 200m long. How much distance does the train have to travel before half of it is in the tunnel?

21 If a dial clock is divided into 8 hrs instead of 12 hrs, which number would be directly opposite '3'?


Which of the below shapes represent the cross-section if the above object were cut as shown?

23 "Peter beat John"

From the below statements, identify the two statements needed to make the above conclusion true.

A. Peter finished runners-up

B. Peter beat Mike

C. John and Peter both beat Tim, who came last

D. John did not come first


Which of the below does not represent a view (top, side, back, front or bottom) of the above object?


Which of the below completes the above series?


Which of the below shapes completes the above series?

27 Complete the series: Z, X, U, Q, ?


29 400 gms of sugar is needed to bake a large cake. How much sugar will be needed to bake 5 small cakes, each small cake being half the size of a large cake?


Can the shape on the left, when folded, make the object on the right?